
New York State Record Bluefish caught on the Blue Fin IV |
The reputation that Blue Fin IV enjoys wasn’t built overnight and we have the real stories to serve as the best proofs of our claims. Montauk Sportfishing is all about real people and true-to-life events that all took place on board one of the best Montauk sportfishing charter.
We speak of real events and people and the following articles will surely prove the authenticity of our claims.
Organized a last minute cod trip out of Montauk with my buddy Jay and some Others,Bill(Reel Carnky),Bob(BUCKTAIL BOB),Bill(Bill611)Mike(Jester 666) since we were told there were some fish around.We fished aboard the Bluefin IV with Capt.Michael Potts at the Helm and Dennis working deck.Left the dock aroun 5 am and arrived on the grounds at sun up.I was told the dogs were a problem so I decided to work the jig.Capt Mike got to the spot read a ton of bait and said give it a shot.We made a few drifts and the first cod of the day came up on clam.Next drift the gray submarines zoned in but a few of us jigging managed a some keepers and as many shorts.At this point pounding the bottom with 6-8 oz.diamond or Norwegian jigs were picking cod along with no dogs.For the guys using bait the dogs were none stop.Capt.decided to anchor and somebody let the dogs out,Myself and Bob kept jigging and we continued to pick.At this point it was 10/1 dogs to cod on bait and 3/1 dogs to cod on the jig.We worked at this for a few hours and now it was everyone in the cockpit swingin jigs.SQUIDDING WASN’T WORKING,so we pounded bottom and produced about 35 keeper cod working through the Dog pound,tripple the dogs and plenty of short cod also.That action finally died so we went looking around in some shallower water.
After 10 minutes Mike found wat he was looking for and 3 out of 6 rods were on before the jigs touched bottom.The other 3 were hooked up as our fish were coming aboard.We had the fish and they were staying with us,6 jigs plus teasers isn’t alot but it held the fish and they followed us way off the spot.We made 2 more drifts with many double and even a tripple header coming up.It was now 12:30 and we had an easy limit and released 30 PLUS KEEPER COD ON THE LAST DRIFT ALONE, PLUS COUNTLESS SHORTS.We all Decided to call it a day ant take a nice slow steam home allowing Dennis to clean all the fish.
Some thoughts on the day,
Small 6 to 8 oz. Hammered diamond jigs ruled with myself using a 6 oz.Hammered Norwegian jig.Hammered jigs produced better than smooth finished jigs.A plain jig didn’t work nearly as good as a jig with a tube or jelly worm.Squidding did not work on anchor but productive on the drift.Most fish came on the jig with some hitting the teasers.Red was the color spectrum they wanted,wether a flo or dark red Surge tube or pink or red 6 inch culy tail jelly.There was tons of bait in the water,mostly Mackeral and Herring,with some whiting. I don’t know the exact keeper ratio maybe one in 3 plus the dogs action was non stop.Most fish were small with keepers ranging 22 to 28 inches with the biggest maybe 30 inches.We fished 80-120 feet with the better fishing in the 80 foot depths.With the amount of dogs and bait around its a no brainer to stick with the jig.
Another incredible job done by Michael Potts and Dennis,HEY WHERE WAS HUEY?.He has yet to let us down and always gives 110%.Few if any Know the water around Montauk as good as Michael.He is one of the most INTERESTING PLUS KNOWLEDGEABLE CAPTAINS I AM LUCKY TO FISH WITH.Since this is just the begining of the run,give the BLUEFIN IV a call if you want to get in on this great action with a small group.You will not be dissapointed.